33. Antibodies in myasthenia gravis

  1. Antibodies against the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AChR) are found in 50 – 60% of patients with generalized myasthenia gravis (MG)?
  2. A majority of antibodies against the AChR found in patients with MG are “blocking” antibodies which prevent binding of acetylcholine to the AChR?
  3. Anti-AChR “binding” antibodies, bind to the AChR and cause destruction of junctional folds by activating the complement system?
  4. Most of the seronegative MG patient (those that do not have anti-AChR antibodies but have MG) have antibodies against P/Q-type VGCC (voltage gated-calcium channels)?
  5. Antibodies against LRP4, Agrin and titin proteins are shown in some seronegative MG patients ?
  6. Patients that have anti-MuSK (Muscle-Specific Kinase) antibodies suffer from Lambert–Eaton myasthenic syndrome?

  1. F
  2. F
  3. T
  4. F
  5. T
  6. F